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Calypso Bay Project view early

Calypso Bay Project view early

North view under construction

North view under construction

South view under construction

South view under construction

South view under construction

South view under construction

Laying decking

Laying decking

Second level Bearer to post connection

Second level Bearer to post conn…

Second level Bearer to post connection

Second level Bearer to post conn…

Bearer to post - closeup

Bearer to post - closeup

Second level handrail posts

Second level handrail posts

Second level handrail posts

Second level handrail posts

Calypso Bay Post Top

Calypso Bay Post Top

Second level almost complete

Second level almost complete

Calypso Bay step support

Calypso Bay step support

Calypso Bay Step building

Calypso Bay Step building

Completed decking

Completed decking

Completed decking

Completed decking

Completed project

Completed project

Calypso Bay Project details

Calypso Bay is a marina and associated development at Jacobs Well between the Gold Coast and Brisbane. The boardwalk is 450m long and 7.2m wide (on 2 levels) and is built on Koppers marine piles. The Deck utilises 120x35 pre-oiled Deckwood® and 150x75 Joistwood. The bearers over the piles are 300x200 spotted gum so allowing a row of piles to be deleted. Handrail posts are 300x300 spotted gum. This has been our largest project to date.

This is arguably the largest deck in eastern Australia!

Boardwalk systems:Outdoor Structures Australia
Construction:Contrast Constructions
Master Planners:ML Design
Owner:Roche Group
Project management:Reddy Constructions Pty Ltd

Please contact Deckwood Australia for additional information.

Resource: Printed: 2024-07-16
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